Empower your City with our Smart Government Application
MazikCity builds a digital bridge between you and your constituents. It provides an easy-to-use interface that can help you become more efficient with public money, ensure security enhanced data, and deliver new services with greater engagement with your citizens. There are numerous cases that MazikCity can streamline and automate. Here are two examples.
MazikCity comes preloaded with 30 different scenarios of applications, such as Raffle Licenses, Carnival Permits, Game Room Licenses, and more. Take the example of applying for a Building Permit on the citizen’s side. Once clicking on the Building Permit icon, the citizen will be guided through several simple steps that narrow down exactly what the city official will need to do to meet the citizen’s needs. These steps include confirming that a Building Permit is necessary, providing attestations, selecting a registered contactor, a space to upload required documents, and other questions that are easily customizable using MazikCity. On the city official’s side, this information is automatically captured, tracked, and intuitive to modify.
Complaints are a much more common situation that a city official might encounter, and, just like permits, they’re simple to account for and process. The citizen portal provides a space for Service Requests, and will guide the citizen through several pages to narrow down and categorize the type of request they have. On the city official’s side, all the administrator has to do is navigate to Cases and they’ll find the service requests laid out with any extra information, such as a description box detailing the event and even whether or not the citizen chose to remain anonymous.
These are some small examples of the wide capabilities of MazikCity. At the end of the day, MazikCity was developed to make city processes easier and more efficient, and improve communication and understanding between cities and their constituents.
Learn more about how you can streamline your city processes at https://mazikglobal.com/mazikcity/.